We experience the work of interaction designers whenever we reach for a mobile phone or a digital product and interact with a website, an app, music, media, or with another person.
Digital Interaction Design is an established and rapidly growing profession. It blends product design, graphic design, computing, web and app development, together with user research. World-leading companies such as Facebook, the BBC, Tesco Bank, and IDEO employ interaction designers to make their products, services, and systems more effective and enjoyable.
You’ll develop the skills to identify and respond to people’s needs, with a focus on user experience. You do not need to have a strong computing background, as this course will teach you all you need to know.
You will be able to critically reflect on the impact that digital technology and our designs have on society and consider inclusion in its many forms. We encourage you to read, talk, and write about current issues.
We have hardware, software, lecturers, and technicians to support prototyping of apps, screen-based content, and interactive objects. We involve members of the community in the design process to find meaningful outcomes together.