How to write a personal statement for your university application
For all university applications, wherever in the world you are applying, you need to write a personal statement. But what is a personal statement and how can it help?

For all university applications, wherever in the world you are applying, you need to write a personal statement. But what is a personal statement and how can it help? Put simply, it is your chance to articulate to the university or college that you would like to apply to, to let them know why you’d like to study there, why the particular course, and showcase the experience and skills that you have that will help you during the course. If you’re wondering how to write a personal statement, then read on for the techniques and the information that will help you to have a personal statement that will stand out from the crowd.
Write about you
It can feel awkward for some to talk about themselves, especially in a way that highlights strengths and positive attributes, but you do need to write about yourself. It is your chance to let admissions staff know why you are an ideal candidate for the course you’re applying for and why you’d be a good addition for the institution you are applying to. That being said, you usually just get the chance to write one personal statement, so avoid using university names.
Ideas to help you get started with your personal statement
Look at the course that you are interested in applying for, and think what skills or experience would be beneficial. Make sure you highlight those points in your personal statement.
Include why you are interested in the particular course, such as a stepping stone to your dream career, or because you are keen to learn the course subject matter.
Talk about your wider personal life in your personal statement, to give the admissions officer an idea about you for a while and how you’d fit into university life there. If you’re a member of a club or a team, for example, then let them know and let them know how it helps you in life.
Discussing other areas of interest and experience in your life, such as volunteering or different awards that you have achieved are also good to talk about in your personal statement. Make sure that each element that you discuss is brought back to how it has helped your life, what you’ve learned from it, or how it has improved you and your skills and why it makes you a suitable candidate for the course you are applying for.
Be honest
When you’re writing about yourself you might be tempted to ‘bend’ the truth a little to make you sound more appealing. As tempting as it might be, you need to always be honest. Don’t write that you’re fluent in French, for example, when you only know some basic conversational French. Highlight what you can do and make that sound more appealing, rather than filling the personal statement with things that aren’t quite true.
When it comes to your personal statement, you need to remember that everyone is different and has a unique voice. You might find reading some others helpful, but remember to not copy and keep it unique and personal to you. And one last thing, make sure someone proofreads it before you send it (a simple thing that many people can forget).